固興大飯店 ~ 是您高雄住宿的最佳選擇

「固興大飯店」 ~  是您高雄住宿最佳選擇 ~ ~

   「固興大飯店」座落於高雄市最繁華商業中心,徒步至火車站、捷運站或六合觀光夜市僅需5~10分鐘腳程,雖然位於交通樞鈕,然而憑藉緊鄰高雄中學之優勢,亦猶如隱身城市中之叢林一般,得以避開喧囂煩塵,營造出舒適、寧靜悠活享受放鬆休憩的絕佳環境。此外,本店嘉賓專屬佔地數百坪免費停車場,讓您 停車無負擔免煩惱,真正感受休閒與便利兼具的完美結合。誠摯邀請您蒞臨共賞高雄之美。

       GOSHEN Hotel is located in Kaohsiung City's most bustling commercial center, walk to the train station, subway station or Liuhe night market is only 10 minutes on foot, while in the transport hub, but with the advantage of close to high school in Kaohsiung, the city easily as if hidden jungle general, to avoid the dust and din bother to create a comfortable, quiet and relaxing leisure Youhuo the perfect environment to enjoy. In addition, the restaurant covers an area of hundreds of exclusive guests free parking Ping, allows you to free parking without the burden of worry, feelings of leisure and convenience truly the perfect combination of both. The Cantonese like to invite you to visit the beauty of Kaohsiung.




連絡電話:07-288-3041 ... 歡迎光臨「固興大飯店」
     高雄飯店旅館網 高雄住宿 高雄訂房 高雄飯店 台東民宿 宜蘭民宿 小琉球民宿 澎湖民宿 台灣民宿 版權所有(047211016)